Meeting for Worship - Sunday 11:00am to 12:00pm
Seekers - 9:45am to 10:45am
First Day School - 11:00am to 12:00pm
1920 Zehndner Avenue
Post Office Box 4786
Arcata, California, 95521
Humboldt Friends Meeting
RESOURCES: Quaker organizations, publications, bookstores, etc.
Quakers don't have a creed or a universal practice and no centralized source of information so to learn more about the Religious Society of Friends, you need to explore a little. Here are some places to get started.
Quaker Organizations
Pacific Yearly Meeting (PacYM)
Humboldt Friends Meeting(HFM) is a member of Pacific Yearly Meeting. A Yearly Meeting is usually a group of individual Meetings (Monthly Meetings) in a geographical area that gather once a year to seek to make decisions on issues facing Friends in that region and to receive "spiritual nourishment" from a larger group.
College Park Quarterly Meeting
Yearly Meetings are composed of smaller regional groups which often meet quarterly and are called Quarterly Meetings. Humboldt Friends Meeting is part of College Park Quarterly Meeting.
Friends General Conference (FGC)
Friends General Conference is an association of Quakers in the United States and Canada made up of 16 yearly meetings and 12 autonomous monthly meetings. Its goal is to nurture the "spiritual vitality of the Religious Society of Friends" (Quakers) by providing programs and services for Friends, meetings, and seekers. In addition to a yearly gathering, FGC offers many pages of resources, a bookstore, and periodic workshops. Humboldt Friends Meeting is a member of FGC.
Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC )
Friends World Committee for Consultation encourages understanding among all the branches of the Religious Society of Friends worldwide. It is divided geographically into Africa Section, Asia West-Pacific Section, Europe & Middle East Section, and Section of the Americas.
Ben Loman Quaker Center
Ben Loman Quaker Center is a retreat and conference center under the care of the Religious Society of Friends located in the Santa Cruz mountains in California. http://www.quakercenter.or/Ben
Pendle Hill
Pendle Hill is a study, retreat, and conference center located outside of Philadelphia. It has an extensive book shop and publishes pamphlets on a variety of Quaker topics quarterly. There are some online lectures, book groups and workshops.
Woodbrooke Quaker Study Center
Woodbrooke Quaker Study Center , Located in Birmingham England, Woodbrooke offers short courses on a variety of topics ranging from spiritual growth to training for Quaker roles. It has a substanital library. Some of courses are online.
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
Founded by the Religious Society of Friends in 1917, AFSC is an organization that develops and supports social justice projects around the world.
American Friends Service Committee -- West Region
Work on social justice issues in Western North America.
Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL)
The Friends Committee on National Legislation is the lobbying arm of the Religious Society of Friends advancing Quaker positions on peace, justice, equality, and the environment on the national and Statewide level .
Friends Committee on Legislation of California (FCLCA)
A branch of FCNL for California laws and budget.
PacYM Faith and Practice
Pacific Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice. Most yearly meetings publish book of shared beliefs and accepted practices that our yearly Meeting calls Faith and Practice. The hard copy version is sold out but it is available online free in English and Spanish.
Friends Journal
Former iterations of this journal date back to the early 19th century. Today, Friends journal publishes articles, news, poetry and narratives aimed to deepen the spiritual lives of Quakers. Friends Journal has an extensive archive.
Western Friend
The official publication for Friends in Pacific , North Pacific, and Intermountain Yearly Meetings, Western Friend publishes a magazine six times a year featuring articles, letters, poetry and announcements plus offers periodic updates online.
Barclay Press
Barclay Press identifies as "spiritual, socially conscious, Quaker, and Christian and publishes collections of poetry, devotionals, articles and a quarterly Bible study series.
QuakerBooks of FGC Bookshop
Quakerbooks of FGC offers a variety of new and classic Quaker books.
Pendle Hill Book Store
Pendle Hill Bookstore specializes in Pendle Hill publications including books and pamphlets plus a selection of books written by Quaker authors. It offers subscriptions of new pamphlets and a discount on quantity orders. It also carries swag!
Quaker Book Shop. (England)
The Quaker Book Shop has a bricks and mortar shop plus an online service.
Links to other locations that sell Quaker books:
Publications and Book Stores (partial list)
Quaker Theology
A Progressive Journal and Forum for Discussion and Study.
Other Quaker Resources
Emily Provance's extensive material on outreach.
Making Quaker Meetings Less Work
As some Meetings grew smaller and struggled to keep up with tasks, Quakers in Britain developed modifications to reduce work load that worked for a variety of Meeting styles.